Monday, August 24, 2009

Catching up

Wow, think its been almost 4 weeks since I last posted, sorry about that, got a lot goin on!

Just to catch everyone up to speed. I'm officially over 50% done with treatments. Scans were taken 3-4 weeks ago to check on my improvement. Doctor told me that all signs of cancer in my neck have completely disappeared, thats great news! I still have cancerous cells in my chest, but those have condensed.

My last treatment was the roughest of the first six. Not sure if it was due to a new nurse administering the chemo, but I had to battle a bout of dry heaves after the first few chemicals were pumped into my system. Its just a really weird feeling not only seeing these drugs being "pushed" into my body, but also feeling it......thats what really creeps me out. And the first drug looks EXACTLY like Fruit Punch Gatorade, yea I've completely cut that out of my hydration schedule for the near short term.

My attitude is still strong and positive, trying to laugh and have as much fun as possible through this. Had a great time at Mitch's bachelor party a few weeks back, then just as much fun this past weekend at his wedding (which turned out great!). Didn't realize how much fun being sober around as many drunks as I was can truly be, haha......thanks for the entertainment guys! For those of you who haven't seen, I decided to trim the hairs on my head. I feel like Andre Agassi with a bald head and HUGE black eyebrows, its a good look, so I've been told! My Susan is so much hotter than his Steffi Graf though, I must pull the look off better.

Treatment #7 is just 3 days away, wish me luck!