Thursday, May 15, 2014

5 years later

Hard to believe its been 5 years since my diagnosis and 4.5 years since I've posted in this blog (I think).  Even crazier to think how much my life has changed.  I'm extremely lucky to be cancer free, have a beautiful, supportive, loving wife and the most special little guy a Dad could ask for.  Today, I figure its a good time to add to the blog I've ignored for so long.

Honestly, from time to time I have to remind myself that I was once a cancer patient.  Its weird to look at pictures of me with no hair, slim and having tinted skin from the radiation treatments.  I feel so blessed to be able to put that time of my life behind me, but there's no question its made me appreciate every single day that I'm able to get out of bed.

Before I was diagnosed, I didn't know much about cancer outside of the fact that it was a deadly disease.  But after my diagnosis, I learned that its not a death sentence, at all.  At times, I almost feel blessed that I was dealt those cards.  Its completely changed my outlook on life, all for the better.  So much so, (and as lame as this might sound) I even look forward to the seasons changing.

Today, I take things one step at a time because I have no clue what tomorrow's going to bring.  I've become so much more optimistic because there's always hope.  Hope in health, hope in love, hope in faith and almost as importantly, hope in Cleveland sports (had to get that in there).  I hear of cancer diagnosis often, but unlike before, my initial response/reaction is that its beatable, no matter the scenario.  The fight against this disease is just as much a mental battle as it is physical.  I thank the Lord daily for the support system he blessed me with.  We all have friends and family who go through struggles.  My what you can to support them.  Be there to lend an ear.  We all have crazy lives, many of us with significant others, work and some even with children.  Take a minute to even shoot a text to say "whats up" to someone you haven't seen or heard from in awhile.  You never know what they're going through and what they might possibly need at that moment in time.

            "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people    
             will never forget how you made them feel" - Maya Angelou

I've gained a lot of friends through this journey, I've even lost a couple.  Thoughts and prayers to Karin Diamond, Dean Paras and one in particular, my Uncle Nate.  This disease strengthened my faith and I know those who have lost their battle are basking in the riches of God's kingdom.

To close this chapter of my life, I want to thank my family for everything they've done to get me to this 5 year mark.  Mom, Dad, Evan.....I love you guys so much.  There aren't enough "thank you's" and "I love you's" to express my sincere appreciation for all you've given and sacrificed.

Finally, to my incredible wife of almost 2're an incredible woman.  You basically take care of 2 toddlers.  Thank you for the encouragement, optimism and love you bring into my life every day.  And most importantly, thank you for giving me the most precious gift of all.....being a Daddy to the most amazing 1 year old I could ever ask for.  Hard to believe that at one point 5 years ago, I wasn't sure if I was ever going to experience fatherhood.  My prayers to all those who are trying, what a gift it is.  Continue to put your hope an faith into the Lord.

Thanks again to all of you for your support over the years.

God Bless,
